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Your Style Philosophy

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  • pbt
    Re: Your Style Philosophy

    [quote user="philip nod"]pbt: providing SZ signatures free of charge for a limited time only


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  • philip nod
    Re: Your Style Philosophy

    pbt: providing SZ signatures free of charge for a limited time only

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  • Faust
    Re: Your Style Philosophy

    [quote user="Uncontrol"]

    [quote user="pbt"]I myself follow the SZ law of dressing mainly in black, and, in order to invoke that discursive formation as a naturalized foundational premise that subsequently legitimates that law's own regulatory hegemony, I frequently peruse the pages of SZ.

    this post brought to you by


    BECOMING-INTENSE would approve.

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  • Uncontrol
    Re: Your Style Philosophy

    [quote user="pbt"]I myself follow the SZ law of dressing mainly in black, and, in order to invoke that discursive formation as a naturalized foundational premise that subsequently legitimates that law's own regulatory hegemony, I frequently peruse the pages of SZ.

    this post brought to you by

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  • pbt
    Re: Your Style Philosophy

    I myself follow the SZ law of dressing mainly in black, and, in order to invoke that discursive formation as a naturalized foundational premise that subsequently legitimates that law's own regulatory hegemony, I frequently peruse the pages of SZ.

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  • sbw4224
    Re: Your Style Philosophy

    In the past year and a half my personal style has taken some twists and turns, but the thing I could never get away from was being uncomfortable in suburban or rural settings. I guess the power of location and its effect on ease of style took a while for me to realize.

    Sadly, I don't think that many of the designers we follow on SZ work for me (with the exception of Yohji). While I tried going down a different route I never felt completely comfortable in certain clothes, whereas my recent path seems to make complete sense to me.

    I give you guys props who don't live in cities but still maintain a more "avant-garde" profile. I tried but couldn't fully commit.

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    Re: Your Style Philosophy

    You are fast, poor Rimbaud the things he is beeing accounted for! [70] ... [86]

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  • Faust
    Re: Your Style Philosophy

    You forgot to sign the poem, becoming-intense. i'll fix that in a second, don't worry.

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    Re: Your Style Philosophy

    Yes, and I might just have achieved the opposite, bringing the tension back [74] ...


    But to somehow bring this back on topic ...

    [quote user="voltaire's anti-defamation league"]a brooding goth poet boy. like that bitch rimbraud.

    Yes, you're indeed a poet of huge proportions, but ...

    There's just one thing, Dude.
    And what's that?
    Do you have to use so many cuss words?
    What the fuck you talking about?
    Okay, Dude. Have it your way.

    Rimbaud, Bitch!


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  • laika
    Re: dilemna

    Mads, you are my knight in fluid, flowing and shining armour! [64]

    I think Johnny was trying to break up the tense mood by being funny rather than challenging, and his post was quite brilliant in that respect! [74]

    But I agree wholeheartedly that one needs to bring some arguments to the table to have any sort of serious discussion, and your post certainly deserves that. [51]

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    Re: dilemna

    [quote user="laika"]

    [quote user="BECOMING-INTENSE"]

    One thing I do find problematic, is the distinction you create between art and design,
    sense of finality or completeness to the whole", because, as I've
    elaborated on somewhere else, there is a difference in kind between the
    materials that support a work of art, such as paint, canvas, film,
    stone, sound-waves, textiles etc. and the work itself. Art only
    attempts to fashion a material object, having a finite duration, so as
    to create being of sensation, which is preserved in itself for an
    eternity that coexists with the short duration of material. This bloc
    of sensations, standing up alone or positing itself, contains the
    working, sensation, and forces of the work. Even with the suggested
    finite materials that supports paintings, sculptures, etc., they can
    indeed become "a very real and dynamic sense of continuous potential
    and unfolding".


    I anticipated you would catch me on this, which is why I used "work
    of Art," in the sense of institutionally-defined object, rather than
    art as practice or process. I agree with you that individual art
    objects can have this potential, but i think the categorization by
    institutions of art as "Art," undermines the extent to which works can
    actually be experienced in the way you are describing. There is
    something about design, imo, which resists this categorization, perhaps
    because of its intimacy with the body.

    But I am very OT. [:$]

    do like that Judith quote a lot, by the way, although I fear you could
    repeat it endlessly and have it fall on deaf ears....[79]


    Yes in that sense, attaching the "in the sense of institutional-defined object", I think we're on the same page,

    because in the moment that the work of art reterritorializes itself on these categories or discourses,

    we're indeed undermining the work of art's potential to cut a cross [51] ...

    [quote user="Johnny"]this is all Becoming-Intense's fault! anyway his
    post was a load of bollocks....the notion of which incidentally and
    somewhat ironicallydebunks his mulitudes theory as differenciating
    female and male sexuality![/quote]

    You're starting to sound like Sokal! [74]

    One must listen(read) carefully before opens ones mouth,

    and importantly pay attention to details ...

    Even the text can be multiple!

    "hard work and humility"(Laika)

    And what on earth made you come and make this post here?

    The actual post you're referring to is not insight and the

    subject of your post has nothing to do with this thread at all!

    One can only imagine and assume [79] ...

    Johnny if you really want to discuss this,

    please go to the appropriate thread and post, and
    please bring some arguments with you, or else it's
    gonna get really tiresome rather quickly and embarrassing,
    not to say!


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  • Faust
    Re: dilemna

    there is a help finding thread in the shopping section.

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  • jak1
    Re: dilemna

    was not sure what thread to put it in?.. . the issue seemed like philosophy to me? where should I post stuff like this in the future?

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  • Faust
    Re: Your Style Philosophy

    [quote user="Johnny"]

    maybe itsa UK thing: "bollocks" means "load of nonsense"


    i know, i was making a joke on the word play (bollocks as male genitalia).

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  • Johnny
    Re: Your Style Philosophy

    maybe itsa UK thing: "bollocks" means "load of nonsense"

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