SZ Mix – Sruli Recht

Dear Internet,

Here is my aural journey:

Beginning with When Gravity Fails, two tracks, Moving through Cast By Shadows, Field Dressing, and up through Circumsolar, the birth of my son and the songs that put we sing to entertain or put him to sleep, and most recent collection Concentrated – these are the various and categorically unrelated songs probably most listened to during these milestones of the past two and a half years.

There is no real unification behind these tracks, but they capture past and present parts of my life. Each of these musicians, their words or sounds, captivate and take me to creative and inspiring places.

Sruli Recht


Dear all,

These songs were my daily bread in the 90s, when as a teenager I would speed my skateboard through the stony streets of my Traunstein suburb that were so ill-fitted for skating. It felt like total freedom to me and it still does today on the smooth, skateable streets of Barcelona.
I really hope you enjoy these tracks.

All my best,


Werkstatt Munchen at L’Eclaireur

If you happen to be in Paris during the men’s fashion week, make sure to stop by L’Eclaireur on Rue Herold where the artisanal jeweler Werkstatt Munchen set up the most comprehensive installation of their work to date. Along the classic products, WM are displaying their forays into mixing siliver with leather to make belts, bracelets, and a tote.