
Werkstatt Munchen at L’Eclaireur

If you happen to be in Paris during the men’s fashion week, make sure to stop by L’Eclaireur on Rue Herold where the artisanal jeweler Werkstatt Munchen set up the most comprehensive installation of their work to date. Along the classic products, WM are displaying their forays into mixing siliver with leather to make belts, bracelets, and a tote.


Lost & Found: Rooms

Lost & Found, the artisanal Italian label designed by Ria Dunn, has launched an online shop called Rooms. Here, you can buy L&F archival pieces in addition to their adorable children’s wear, which sprang up from Dunn’s desire to make clothes for her own two kids.

Taking the creative approach, Dunn’s husband, the photographer Alessandro Esteri, shot all stock with Instagram, which superbly matches the label’s purposefully unpolished aesthetic. Shipping is available worldwide.